St-Jean-de-Matha’s Super Glissades of are constantly evolving and improving. In operation for more than 40 years, the Super Glissades are frequently inspected and corrected if necessary to ensure maximum safety and a pleasant descent. In addition, each track has an automated safety barrier with pre-set timing and a magic eye. When a descent is initiated, the eye senses the slider’s movement and automatically closes the gate. It is also possible to manually modify the time allowed for each slide in case of emergency.
21 tracks adorn the mountain on the 2 slopes. The first side offers slower, more user-friendly tracks, while the second slope (rafting) features tracks that push the descent to more than 100 km/h, making them the fastest slides in Quebec. Note that the height required to access the second slope is 1.25 meters. The tubing or rafting tracks reach a maximum height of 90 feet and extend over 400 feet (track 1), to 1200 feet (track 26).
All tracks are easily accessible and classified by size and difficulty. The number of each track corresponds to its degree of difficulty: the higher the number, the greater the challenge. If you are new to snow tubing, we suggest you start gradually so that you can get the hang of the different runs.
The trails are groomed daily to ensure optimal snow sliding conditions in terms of performance and safety. Snow ramparts line the tracks and ensure that each track follows its own path. The tracks never cross and are well marked. The Glissade’s manager will regularly evaluate the conditions of the slopes during the day.
One or more tracks may be closed to allow the necessary corrections to be made to obtain the required conditions. Snow cannons always ensure an adequate level of snow, for the safety and maximum performance of tubing and rafting tracks. Track maintenance is provided by a team of experienced professionals using state-of-the-art machinery.
As mentioned above, the tracks are classified in order of size, and it should be noted that advanced tracks require a minimum size to access them. A sign in front of each of these trails allows the evaluation of the size of each individual likely to be ineligible. A maximum number of sliders per track is pre-established and subject to change based on prevailing conditions.
Two observation posts, one per slope, overlook the summit of the mountain. It is inside these towers that attendants watch over the safety of the sliders. If necessary, they can change the safety gate timer or contact the Safety Officer or First Aid Attendant. The strategic location of the observation posts allows them a global peripheral view of the top and bottom of the tubing or rafting tracks.
The tubes used for this winter activity are covered with a uniform material making the descent more stable. Two handles fixed on each side allow the sliders to stay in place during the descent.
Supervisors patrol the bottom of the runways to ensure their rapid evacuation. They are equipped with megaphones to ensure effective communication with the sliders. They can also contact the security gate attendants (observation posts) to forbid access to a congested track and with the Super Glissade’s manager, first aiders or ticket office in case of emergency.
Now out of reach, sliders can return to the lifts or to the main chalet by taking a path marked out by fluorescent orange posts. These posts outline the maximum distance that sliders can reach at the bottom of the slopes. Traveling to the left of these posts is therefore collision free.
Our Field Action Team, like the one inside the main lodge, has personnel capable of administering first aid and making safety-related decisions on the field. A loudspeaker system, controlled from the ticket office and heard throughout the site and inside the chalet allows information of all kinds to be always communicated. This will allow us to contact the parents or teachers of a lost or injured child.